27 Mar 2013

Lancelin South Revised Masterplan
Taylor Burrell Barnett have been the lead consultants in the planning and design for the development of Lancelin South for more than 10 years.
Those 10 years have involved high level structure planning for Lancelin townsite through to Ledge Point, extensive community consultation in the form of workshops, presentations and ongoing information dissemination, local structure planning for a vast 500ha plus parcel of land, rezoning of land from ‘rural’ to ‘urban development’ and ‘conservation’ zones, more detailed planning in the form of an Outline Development Plan and subdivision design for about 200ha of land, through to design guidelines.
A 'Major Local Centre'
Lancelin South represents over 700ha of future urban, commercial, educational and light industrial land on what is currently retired rural land. The development of Lancelin South has occurred on the back of previous State Government strategic planning preferences, which earmarked Lancelin as a ‘Major Local Centre’, with a future population of up to 10,000 residents.
Lancelin South represents the very best of planning and urban design outcomes, with the urban fabric, development layout, land use typologies and densities responding to, amongst other things, unique site characteristic, landform, vegetation, hydrological conditions and servicing challenges. In this regard, notably, two key outcomes facilitated by the Development Manager - Sam Williams, Taylor Burrell Barnett and a leading team of technical experts have seen the achievement of environmental approvals and a secure potable and non-potable water service.
'Conservation Zone' Retains Natural Bushland
In particular, Taylor Burrell Barnett worked closely with the Department of Planning, Office of EPA and Appeals Convenor to successfully broker an agreed approach which provided for the urban development of the stage 1 area in conjunction with the establishment of a ‘Conservation Zone’ to retain more than 22ha of natural bushland. The privately held land identified for inclusion in the newly created ‘Conservation Zone’ included natural vegetation on a key dunal ridgeline which would also be a central focal point in which the future urban development could positively respond and create a ‘sense of place’ around.
Independent Water Service Provision - A WA First
Taylor Burrell Barnett also worked closely with the Department of Water to prove-up and secure a potable water supply and, ultimately, a water service provider. The developer’s preferred service provider - Aquasol, recently obtained approval from the Economic Regulation Authority to provide potable and non-potable water services to Lancelin South, after a rigorous approval process. Given the advanced stage of approvals and the completion of internal site works and nearing completion of external site works, including the water supply infrastructure, Lancelin South is likely to be the first residential land development in WA to have an operational water service independent of the Water Corporation or any other quasi government body. This is a major achievement for Lancelin South, which TBB is extremely proud to be a part of. It also represents a new frontier for land development in WA, through challenging the conventional accepted method of service provision in WA.
Major Milestones Are Just the Beginning
In the words of the Development Manager, Sam Williams, “Lancelin South has not been without its fair share of challenges. There is no doubt we would not be where we are now without the dedication and persistence of the land owner , Mr Joe Matthews, the support and encouragement of the Lancelin community, the guiding hand of the Department of Planning, and the vision and unwavering commitment of our project consultant team lead by Lex & Rachel at TBB. We have reached some major milestones already with the ERA’s approval of our water service provider and the release of the first lots for sale, and look forward to continuing to work together to achieve our collective vision for Lancelin South.”
- Location: Shire of Gingin
- Client: JB Matthews and Lancelin South Pty Ltd
- Services: Lead Consultant Town Planning and Urban Design
- Site Area: in excess of 700 hectares (Stage 1 - 200ha)
- Total Number of Dwellings: approximately 4,000 (Stage 1 - 1000)
- Status: Approved Lancelin to Ledge Point Overall Structure Plan (2012), Approved Lancelin South Structure Plan for 538ha (2010), Approved Scheme Amendment to rezone Stage 1 area to facilitate urban development (2011), Approved Outline Development Plan for Stage 1 area (2011), Approved Subdivision for 233 lots (2011), Commencement of subdivision works and lot sales in 2011/2012, Scheme Amendment to rezone balance of Lancelin South in accordance with a revised Masterplan submitted December 2012.
- Land Use: Residential, retail, commercial, mixed business, light industrial, conservation, recreation and community uses.
Project Team
- Taylor Burrell Barnett - Town Planning and Design
- TABEC - Engineering
- PGV Environmental - Environmental
TBB also acknowledges the numerous other consultancies who have provided input into this project at different stages, including (but not necessarily limited to): Creating Communities, URS, MP Rogers, Bruce Aulabaugh, Glen McLeod- Consulting Lawyer, Coterra, Ecoscape, RPS Hydrological, Fire Plan WA, Anthropos Australia, Bushfire Safety Consulting, Riley Consulting, Plan E and Syme Marmion and Co.
Learn more about the Lancelin South Project here