28 Mar 2014

Koombana North is DevelopmentWA's (previously LandCorp) latest development as part of the Bunbury Waterfront project area. The Waterfront area was transformed in the mid 1990s and early 2000s, with the redevelopment of Marlston Hill area, which featured the creation of some waterfront commercial mixed use medium density and the gentrification of existing historic housing stock, breathing new life into the Bunbury Town Centre.

Taylor Burrell Barnett has continued its long association with DevelopmentWA in planning for and facilitating the revitalisation of Bunbury’s waterfront with our recent work on the Koombana North precinct. Koombana North will act as the southern termination of the existing Bunbury Waterfront area and will serve as the key gateway to the existing Bunbury CBD, via Koombana Drive.

Ministerial Taskforce

An early development proposal for Koombana North was included in the Bunbury Waterfront Eastside Precinct Structure Plan (covering the land to either side of Koombana Drive and to the east of Blair Street and Casuarina Drive), which was submitted to the City of Bunbury early in 2008.

This document was made available for public comment, with Council receiving 880 submissions. The large number of submissions suggested strong community interest in any proposed development for the area, with a majority of submissions objecting to the loss of public open space, potential impacts of high rise buildings, reduction in the availability of parking, restriction or loss of views to the waterfront and potential impacts on existing recreational users.

A Ministerial Taskforce was subsequently convened to, amongst other things, define the Regional Open Space, City Centre uses and other uses of State interest and to create a policy statement for the development of any area identified for urban purposes.

Taylor Burrell Barnett has provided a full suite of planning services to DevelopmentWA, with the preparation of a request to amend the Greater Bunbury Regional Scheme to reflect the framework established via the Ministerial Taskforce process. Following the announcement by the State Government that a $20.3m funding strategy for the project (including Marston North site) had been approved, we prepared and facilitated the approval of a comprehensive Structure Plan that maintains development flexibility and enshrines positive public realm and equity outcomes.

A key feature of the Structure Plan preparation and negotiation process was the formation of a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) consisting of the Department of Planning, City of Bunbury and DevelopmentWA. The TAG process enabled issues to be identified and addressed quickly and facilitated the rapid approval of the Structure Plan without public opposition. This was a particularly satisfying achievement for the project team, given the previous public contentiousness of development in this area.

Subdivision approval has been received and earthworks have occurred, with the project's signature site, Lot 1, presently for sale. Taylor Burrell Barnett has also prepared detailed Design Guidelines to ensure high quality future built form outcomes within this landmark precinct.

Project Summary

  • Five mixed use Development Sites, with maximum building heights of four to six stories;
  • Provision for ground floor activation, via opportunities for retail and commercial development;
  • Development of a high quality, pedestrian-orientated public realm for the benefit of the wider Bunbury community, visitors and tourists and residents alike;
  • Enhancement of the existing Koombana Bay and Plug foreshore areas, with provision for active and passive recreation opportunities;
  • High amenity residential development on upper levels, that capitalises on the high natural and functional amenity of the subject site;
  • Provision for the possible future Perth to Bunbury railway, immediately adjacent to the subject site;
  • Creation of a visually attractive and iconic built form and landscape gateway to the existing Bunbury CBD; and
  • Connection of the proposed development with the Bunbury CBD and existing Marlston Waterfront development area.


Koombana North Project Area 1.2686 ha
Development Site yield 5
Estimated number of dwellings 121
Estimated population (assuming 1.8 persons per dwelling) 217
Estimated possible Non-Residential (Retail and Commercial) floor space 3735m2 NLA
Estimated possible Food and Beverage Retail floor space 280m2 NLA
Proposed Local Open Space (%) 1635m2 (12.9%)

More Information

Learn more about the Bunbury Outer Harbour Project here