This first of its kind precinct for Australia will benefit a wide range of industries looking to innovate their use of robotics and automation.
The Goal
DevelopmentWA’s vision for the 51-hectare automation and robotics testing precinct based in the Neerabup Industrial Area is to create a world-leading facility serving as a development and testing ground, providing opportunities for local industry and business sectors to test a range of technologies in a custom-built environment.
The first stage delivered the initial test beds, access routes and site facilities. The second stage featured a 1,200m2 common user test facility, the headquarters for the precinct.
Our Role
TBB has long been involved with the Meridian Park industrial estate and initially prepared the Neerabup Industrial Area agreed structure plan. In 2021, TBB was commissioned to assist DevelopmentWA in preparing development applications in a sequential order to optimise timeframes and reduce risk.
The initial development application was for approval of a ‘research and development centre’, a use not listed in the City’s local planning scheme. The development approval was then amended to include a temporary site office.
TBB worked collaboratively with the client, project team and the City of Wanneroo to ensure development approvals were in place to facilitate a Government announcement in October 2021.
The Outcome
Officially opened in November 2024, this state-of-the-art 51-hectare precinct in Neerabup will drive innovation across industries such as mining, construction, agriculture, and defence, while creating new opportunities for research, training, and development.
Visit the webpage here
Watch the video of the construction of AARP’s state-of-the-art HQ here
Images provided by DevelopmentWA. HQ by Zuideveld Marchant Hur Architects.
Quick Facts
- Location
Neerabup, City of Wanneroo - Client
DevelopmentWA - Site Area
51 hectares - Land Use
Research and Development Centre