A dynamic hub for knowledge sharing, residential, hotel and retail within the existing campus environment.
The Goal
Curtin University’s Exchange Precinct integrates Curtin’s best educational and research offerings with an enviable urban lifestyle, in a sustainable place where everything is available and connected. It comprises four buildings:
- College & Outdoor Common Room
- Halls of Residence 1, Grocer, Retail, Office
- School of Design and Built Environment
- Hotel, Apartments, Retail & Education Space
Our Role
TBB worked in collaboration with Christou Design, John Wardle Architects, Nettletontribe and Six Degrees and a broader consultant team to progress the necessary planning approvals from the WAPC/JDAP for the 4 development sites.
TBB undertook a detailed review and assessment of preliminary development drawings to ensure compliance with the planning framework. The review involved extensive discussion and negotiation with Curtin University, the Town of Victoria Park and DPLH to present the proposed design, confirm the necessary planning processes and information requirements in order to achieve endorsement of the plans.
The Outcome
Through our contribution to the Greater Curtin Stage 1 Design Guidelines, TBB was involved in producing the planning framework, process and highly collaborative government agency relationships that led to an efficient and comprehensive approval process.
TBB established a solid working relationship with the key regulatory agencies and was able to establish a streamlined and efficient approval process and open lines of communication for all parties involved, particularly where multiple rounds of design modifications were undertaken as the detailed design of the project unfolded post approval.
The first building (Twin Dolphin Hall), a ten-storey student accommodation facility, officially opened in January 2022. The neighbouring student accommodation facility (St Catherine’s College) is scheduled to open on February 19 2022. The Exchange project delivers on Curtin University’s long held vision for an innovative mixed use precinct that allows the Curtin community the opportunity to learn, live, work and play in a sustainable place where knowledge and innovation extend beyond buildings in a globally competitive environment.
Planning considerations included a result that showcased creative thinking, innovation, exemplar design and sustainability.
In the media
New $300m mini-city for Curtin University
Classy St Catherine’s College to open at Curtin University’s Exchange Precinct
Source/credit for imagery include: Nettletontribe, St. Catherine’s College; John Wardle Architects, School of Design and Built Environment; Nettletontribe, Grocer/Halls of Residence
Quick Facts
- Location
Bentley, Town of Victoria Park - F03 – College Outdoor Common Room
407 rooms (College), Recreation (Outdoor Common Room) and Basement Level car park. - F04 Halls of Residence 1, Grocer, Retail, Office
517 rooms, 1,519sqm of retail floorspace (Grocer), 657sqm of retail floorspace, 181sqm of office floorspace and Basement level car park. - F06 – School of Design and Built Environment
8,144sqm of commercial / academic floorspace and 303sqm retail floorspace. - F07 – Hotel Apartments, Retail and Education
38 serviced apartments, 60 hotel rooms and conference space, 3,052sqm of Education Space and 859sqm of retail floorspace.