This is a ‘best-practice’ example of a Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme and was first within the state to be produced under the Planning and Development Regulations 2015.
The Goal
The Strategy and Scheme needed to consolidate the planning information from three previous local governments, including two local planning strategies and four local planning schemes to produce a contemporary planning framework for the City.
Our Role
The preparation of the Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No.1 (LPS1) during 2013-2015 required the TBB Planning Framework team, engaged to lead a team of specialists to review a significant amount of literature, analyse gaps and produce key deliverables within a constrained timeframe, to meet State Government funding milestones.
Communication and consultation was also a key role for TBB.
The Outcome
The Strategy and LPS 1 were some of the first approved under the new Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, as the documents were approved and published in November/December 2015. This Project was successfully delivered on-time and on-budget, and in a proactive manner that has been recognised by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.
Early engagement with stakeholders yielded a number of important issues which needed to be addressed. An effective and efficient process of public consultation for the Strategy and LPS1 was delivered.
During 2018, TBB undertook a review of Part 2 of the Local Planning Strategy, the Local Profile and Context Report, which ensures the issues and data behind the Strategy remain relevant.
Quick Facts
- Location
Geraldton - Site Area