Great Eastern Highway Corridor Plan

The Great Eastern Highway Urban Corridor Strategy creates a refreshing, transformative and innovative vision for one of Perth’s major traffic arteries.


Great Eastern Hwy Corridor
City of Belmont Great Eastern Hwy
Ascot Great Eastern Hwy
Great Eastern Hwy Corridor
City of Belmont Great Eastern Hwy
Ascot Great Eastern Hwy

The Goal

An Urban Corridor strategy for Great Eastern Highway which integrates mixed land uses, landscape and multiple transport modes to create opportunities for improved amenity, economic development and intensification at the gateway to the City of Belmont and CBD. The project required close collaboration with the City of Belmont, State Government and the local community to ensure there was a shared vision for the Corridor.

Our Role

Taylor Burrell Barnett was the lead consultant, coordinating the project team’s inputs and ensuring that the project methodology and programme was strategically effective and managed well. TBB led the team’s holistic review of place character, traffic and transport integration with land use and place qualities, land use permissibility and public realm requirements along the corridor.

TBB’s leadership with community participation, stakeholder engagement and negotiation enabled the Strategy to incorporate proposals for the land use, public realm, movement and built form outcomes that support the function of the corridor whilst providing significant improvements to its place qualities and the provision of an effective transition between the corridor and the surrounding area.

The Outcome

The overarching outcome of the project was the establishment of a Strategy to guide redevelopment of the Great Eastern Highway Corridor. The strategy envisions improved pedestrian and cycle amenity, landscape and parkland opportunities along the length of the Highway, intermittent connections and vistas to the Swan River and the creation of mixed use activity nodes and community places at significant intersections with local roads.

The strategy responds to the diverse nature of the corridor which includes multi storey development at The Springs in the west to the unique Stables area along the Swan River at Ascot and the emerging Transit Oriented Development at Redcliffe in the east. The strategy promotes a varied design and built form response to each precinct at its interface with the Highway to ensure the inherent characteristics of the established neighbourhoods are enhanced and respected whilst opportunities for appropriate scaled infill development is planned for.

The strategy was developed collaboratively with the community and Government stakeholders through a series of vision and design workshops.

Quick Facts

  • Location
    Rivervale, Lathlain, Ascot, Belmont and Redcliffe
  • Site Area
    6.5km corridor
  • Land Use
    Mixed Use

Project Team

Samantha Thompson
Managing Director

Mark Elliss
Senior Associate

