Shoreline, North Coogee

Shoreline Estate in North Coogee is a visionary coastal urban community that combines high quality streetscapes and open spaces with a diverse range of land uses and housing opportunities.


Shoreline-Public open space
ShorelineStage1-Ground public open space
Shoreline Aerial
Shoreline graphic
Shoreline-Public open space
Shoreline Aerial
ShorelineStage1-Ground public open space
Shoreline graphic

The Goal

Shoreline will ultimately provide approximately 2,500 dwellings within a contemporary, sustainable, vibrant, transit-based mixed-use coastal urban community. The development will achieve a diverse mix of innovative and affordable housing options, excellent community amenity and a high-quality public realm. The 47 hectare site is part of the wider Cockburn Coast Redevelopment Area which will breathe new life into former industrial land.

Our Role

TBB has been involved in the detailed design of this exciting urban renewal project since 2013, providing a highly consultative design-led approach with all key stakeholders, in particularly the City of Cockburn and the Western Australian Planning Commission. Notwithstanding the complexities of the past usage and infrastructure of the location, significant design innovation has been implemented by TBB through streamlined processes to achieve subdivision, design guidelines and local development plan approvals.

The Outcome

Shoreline will establish a sustainable and unique coastal community comprising an activity centre, diverse mix of housing opportunities and densities, attractive public realm amenity and local schooling.

TBB have led the interrogation of contemporary development ideas to provide unique design responses and cater for a diverse range of lifestyle and household configurations. This has led to the implementation of a blend of compact terraced homes, housing on lots less than 100m2 and a variety of apartment building scales unified through innovative streetscapes and public realm experiences.

Shoreline will set a new benchmark for medium density living in WA

Quick Facts

  • Location
    North Coogee
  • Site Area
    47 hectares
  • Land Use
    Medium-high density residential, Mixed-use
  • Key Features
    2,500 houses, 10,000sqm retail and commercial

Project Team

Lex Barnett
Practice Fellow

Mark Bancroft

Katherine Shirley

